Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Countryside Landscape & Pools.

Our terms and conditions are designed to ensure that each project is managed effectively and to the satisfaction of both parties. 
Please read these terms carefully as they will guide your interactions with us throughout the project.

The Agreement

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the client confirms their understanding and acceptance of the processes, responsibilities, and requirements as outlined.
This agreement helps ensure that the project runs smoothly and is successful for all involved.
Project Execution
Client Responsibilities
Payment Terms
Cancellation and Termination
Alterations and Modifications
Liability and Insurance
Project Execution
  • Scope of Work: The scope of work will be clearly defined in the contract provided before work begins. This includes detailed descriptions of the services to be performed, materials to be used, and the project timeline.
  • Project Delays: While we strive to adhere to the timeline stipulated, delays may occur due to factors beyond our control such as adverse weather conditions, availability or late delivery of materials, and unforeseen site conditions. We are not responsible for delays caused by these factors.
Backyard with pool and modern landscaping.
Client Responsibilities
  • Site Access: Clients must ensure that Countryside Landscape has access to the site at the times specified in the contract to perform the necessary work.
  • Utilities and Property Lines: The client is responsible for identifying and disclosing the location of all private utilities and property lines prior to the start of work. Countryside Landscape will not be liable for damage to private utilities unless such utilities were properly marked and disclosed.
  • Permits and Approvals: It is the client’s responsibility to obtain any necessary permits or approvals required for the project. Countryside Landscape can provide assistance in obtaining these permits, and any associated costs will be billed to the client.
Payment Terms
  • Payment Schedule: A payment schedule will be outlined in the contract. Clients are expected to adhere to this schedule to ensure that work progresses as planned.
  • Non-Payment: If payments are not made according to the agreed schedule, Countryside Landscape reserves the right to halt work until payments are brought up to date. Any deviation from the payment plan could result in a stoppage of work.
  • Additional Costs: If unexpected costs arise during the project, such as the need to remove hidden rocks or tree trunks, these will be discussed with the client and added to the contract as extras.
Cancellation and Termination
  • Client Initiated Cancellation: If the client chooses to terminate the contract or abandon the project at any stage, Countryside Landscape shall be entitled to compensation for services performed and materials purchased up to the point of notification.
  • Contractor Initiated Termination: Countryside Landscape reserves the right to terminate the contract under certain conditions, which will be specified in the contract.
Alterations and Modifications
  • Change Orders: Any changes to the scope of work requested by the client after the commencement of the project must be documented through change orders. These orders will detail the changes and any additional costs or adjustments to the timeline.
  • Material Changes: Slight variations in material colors or patterns may occur due to natural processes or manufacturing times. Countryside Landscape is not responsible for such variations.
Liability and Insurance
  • Damage to Existing Structures: Countryside Landscape is not responsible for damage to existing structures such as irrigation systems or lighting unless such damage is due to negligence on our part.
  • Insurance: Countryside Landscape carries public liability and property damage insurance, as well as coverage for all employees through the Workers Compensation Insurance Board.
  • Consent to Photograph: The owner/client agrees to allow Countryside Landscape to photograph the project site before, during, and after completion for purposes of documentation and promotion. Prior notification will be provided.
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